Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not much going on today so I will give you some more info about China for you to ponder.

Almost all young professionals in China (20 somethings and younger) are only children. This is the first generation of adults since the "one child" law/rule was inforced. They are in no hurry to get married and in most cases live with their parents after attending University if their parents live in the same city. The mothers continue to cook, clean, and do the laundry for the adult child. After they are married it is very common for them to live with at least one set of parents and in many cases both sets of parents live in the same home. One of our young friends said that many of his friends do not want to have a child......ever. If they have a child the grandparents assume most of the responsibility of raising and caring for the grandchild.

If the married couple is from a rural area but live in a city, they send their baby to the province where their parents live. Many parents only see their child one time during the year when they travel back to their home during Chinese New Year.

There are more boys than girls in China. The ratio of boys to girls at my friends college was 7 to 1. She rather liked this ratio. I don't blame her!!!

The values, attitudes, beliefs, and standard of living have changed dramatically from the parents generation to this young adult generation.

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