Monday, May 14, 2007

Here is a picture of my "China" work studio. Last weekend Tim hung my design board on the wall. This is the board that Mr. Zhang helped me make a couple of weeks ago. The design board works really well. Please note how clean and tidy everything looks....this "tidiness" only lasted long enough for a picture.

My work space is very efficient....I can reach the cutting table while I am sitting at my sewing machine...My rumpus never has to leave the chair.

This is where I keep all of my fabric. So far all the fabric fits neatly in this cabinet. I missed the "fabric procurement excursion" to Korea last week but I plan to go next time the trip is organized. Three people went this time and brought about 300 yards of fabric. The weight limit for luggage is 20 kilos and my friends discovered that about 90 yards of fabric weighs 20 kilos. They have this down to a science!!! Most of the fabric they bought cost about $2 per yard. I can't wait to go!!!!! I wonder how many yards of fabric will fit in my cabinet?

This is what the space really looks like most of the time.....Where is the top of that table? Under all the mess!!! My friend in Corvallis gave me a sign to hang in my says..."I can't be creative and tidy too" I find this to be very true.

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