Saturday, November 24, 2007

Today we got up early and went to JinQiao. Abi's school was having a Christmas Bazaar....much like the bazaars in the US. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. They had some very interesting vendors. One of my favorite purchases....a pair of tribal masks to go with a picture that Abi bought in Africa. We also bought a live Christmas tree.....this was not really planned but Abi really wanted to have a tree in our Apartment and the price was right. We bought a 2 meter tall potted tree for Y125. The delivery fee was Y45 because we live 20 minutes away from the school. So....our total investment...$22.67. They are supposed to deliver the tree tonight. Now that is service!!!

After the bazaar we raced back home and picked up our food, drinks, and neighbors and then went back out to JinQiao for another Thanksgiving dinner. It was a join effort between eight families and we all had a very nice time. Our contribution....desserts, wine, and an appetizer.

The feast

Tim carving the turkey

Tim serving the turkey to Angie

The cast of characters

Dessert anyone???

We came home and took down all of our fall decorations and got out our Christmas decorations....that took about 15 minutes. There is something to be said about minimalism!!! Abi made a tree topper angel out of a paper doilie, a toilet paper roll, and a tennis ball.

PS....we just can't help ourselves...Abi and I are going to Yu garden tomorrow to buy beads and wire to make ornaments for our tree.

PS #2.....we listened to the radio broadcast of the first half of the BSU/Hawaii football game on our way home from Abi's school. You just have to love technology.....we were driving in the car in China....listening to the radio broadcast from our home town through Tim's computer and the internet. How cool is that?

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