Thursday, July 26, 2007

The whole family went to a market today. We always find it amusing when we see "fake" products that have misspelled words on them or have a funny translation. Today we saw a leather belt that was supposed to say Harley Davidson but instead it said...Harei Davehong.
Tim bought a tee-shirt for Tucker that says...I come to Shanghai. I actually think the shirt was printed that way on purpose. We also saw a sign on the escalator that said....."Careless Bump Head".

Sad news....the Shanghai Daily reported yesterday that they have formed a task force of University Students to spot and report all misspelled or mistranslated signs. The city is planning to "clean up" it's image and get rid of all the "funny" signs. I am sad about this because it always makes me laugh when we find one of these signs. One of the "example" signs in the paper said.... "Slip Carefully". What happens if you Slip Recklessly??? Or....what happens if you don't slip at all????

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