Monday, July 23, 2007

News from Sauna City

There are a lot of jokes going around Shanghai about "cardboard buns". There was a cartoon in the newspaper today targeted at the production of cardboard buns and in the "buzzwords" section (this appears once a week to describe the newest Chinese words that relate to pop culture etc..) there is a new word zhixianbaozi which means "cardboard bun". I find this very entertaining!!!

We went out in the heat this morning for a few hours....Tucker finished the newest Harry Potter book last night so he was looking for new reading material. The HPotter movie does not come out in Shanghai until August 11th so we are planning to see it in Hong Kong next weekend. Abi and I decided we should read the 5th Harry Potter book before we see the movie. Reading is a good activity for hot muggy are naps!!!

We are going to Hong Kong on Friday...another hot and muggy place. Tucker has to leave the country for at least one day. He has a multi entry visa but he can only stay 30 consecutive days during one visit. So...we are taking a little vacation to see Hong Kong. We will be back to Shanghai for one day before we take the train to Beijing to meet Kim.

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