Saturday, July 21, 2007

The kids stayed home today to read their and I went out to breakfast. Our mission for the day was to purchase Tim some new golf clubs....his belated fathers day and birthday gift. We were successful and he just went out the door to take the golf clubs for a test run at the driving range.

While we were out shopping today we got into a little fender bender. We were on our way to the Shanghai Grand Theater to buy tickets for Mama Mia when the car behind us ran into the back of our van. Things work a little differently in Shanghai when there is a car accident....but the long and short of it was that it took over an hour to get it all sorted out. One hour in the middle of the day in the summer in Shanghai is like 4 days!!!! So....Tim and I got out of the car and walked around Peoples Square while Mr. Zhang worked through the details. Here are some pictures from our "sauna walk".

This is the Shanghai Museum

This is an intersection at People's Square...note all the umbrellas...they are for the sun not the rain.

More umbrellas

The Urban Planning Building

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