Thursday, February 15, 2007

Viewer desecration is suggested for the following blog entry. It may contain language not suitable for young children and Pasters.

I promised to share the good and the here it is. Yesterday was a day from Hell. This is an insert from an email that I sent to my good friend Julie. I think it describes my day pretty well.

Today was a day from hell and I have nothing nice to say. Tomorrow I am going to stay in our house and hide from the world. I am so damned tired of trying to communicate with people.

I lost our ayi at the supermarket today and the store was packed wall to wall with people...that is not a joke. I did not even have a cart and I could not get through the crowds. Our driver is so hell bent on helping me that he is making me crazy, I went to a hair salon today that told me yesterday my stylist would speak English. I knew more Mandarin then she knew English and that is about 2 words. My hair sucks (I hate that word but today I am going to type it anyway) and I will never be able to buy clothes here because I am not 5 foot tall and weight 90 pounds. I could not even buy a water cooler today with out getting 4 people involved in the "translation" and when I got home I called to order water to put in the cooler and I could not communicate which "type" of water I wanted. JUST GIVE ME THE _____ WATER ALL READY!!!!!! I am going to look for the positive in the day.....

I will not have to have another hair cut while we live here because it will take two years to grow back

I found the Ayi

I don't have to take the bus because we have a "never stop talking" driver.

I went for a walk

We get to open our Valentine cards tonight from our wonderful Sunday School class.

Well it sounds like Tim and Abi are home so I need to run...

Love ya,

Well there it is..... The communication frustrations were more than I could cope with yesterday. I came home, hid in our bathroom and cried for about an hour. I hid because I did not want our Ayi to think she was working for a "crazy women".

After I stopped "bubbling" (Abi's term) I pulled myself together and went for a walk around our neighborhood. I found a new market, and a little flower shop, and enjoyed the fresh smoggy air.

When Tim and Abi got home they brought me roses for Valentines day and we had a nice dinner in our apartment. They sympathetic about my day and the tears that accompanied the recall of activities and frustrations. Then Abi said "Mom you just have to "Suck it up". We all laughed about that comment and it lighten the mood.

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