Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tim is away this weekend with his work group. It sounds like things are going much better this time for him. They took an over night train to a mountain area about 12 hours from Shanghai. He called me yesterday and said he was standing in the spot that they filmed Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. It is a bamboo forest with a record number of different species of bamboo. He said the weather was beautiful.

I spent yesterday exploring a long list of fabric shops looking for supplies for the quilt class I will be teaching in January. I only made it through half of my list. Today I am going to visit a quilt store (there are only two in Shanghai) in the Shanghai Mart. I am hoping to find some acrylic rulers with inches instead of cm.

Abi got home late yesterday....first school....then basketball practice....then dinner and bible study. Tonight she is going to a dance sponsored by the youth group at the Community Center. It is a black tie event and she decided on Thursday evening that she would go and of course she needs a dress.......Yikes!!! Luckily for us one of my friends is a dress maker and is going to cut off the bottom of Abi's black dress and shortening it. Waaalaa...a new dress is born. Thank God for friends!!! We are going over this morning to pick up the dress. The dance is tonight....nothing like last minute to love these teen!!!

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