Friday, July 25, 2003

Good Morning! I am training to walk in the Porland Marathon with a group of friends that are known as the "coffee ladies" or the "Java Jewels". Part of our group was on the trail at 6:00am this morning. It is a good thing that I have friends to do this with because I would never have the dicipline to do it myself! Who really wants to get up at 5:30am? One of the benifits to getting up so early is that the weather is very cool at that time. And...really the best part of the whole thing is the fun conversation that we have while we walk. Time just flys when you are solving the worlds problems!! HA!! This weekend we are going to walk 16 miles! I hope I survive!

I am typing this from my new studio. I am offically "moved" in because my computer is up and running. Thanks to my family and all of their work, we can say the stuido is finished! I am looking forward to many creative hours in this new place!

I am also very excited to have my web site up and running. My son, Tucker, has been the creative and technical mind behind the site. I have learned a lot about creating a web site and luckly... Tucker has been very patient with me while I copy files and paste them in the wrong places, save things in the wrong format, and try to learn the lingo! I like to think of a "server" and a "host" as someone that brings you food! HA! Anyway...Thank you Tucker! You have been great!

The biggest discovery that I made recently about a web site is that it is never really "finished". There are always changes to make, new stuff to upload, and constant updating of information. much for checking that off the list.... So...check back often for new projects and information about the creative industry!

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